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Canton Local Interests




City of Canton Special Project Updates

City of Canton Special Project Updates

  • Heritage Park Plyometric Gym
    A new outdoor fitness gym is being installed at Heritage Park near the staircase from the YMCA to the park. This gym will include weight-training equipment that utilizes the person’s own body weight.
  • Downtown Tree Lights
    The lights in the trees in downtown Canton are one of the unique features that many enjoy. These were replaced in July under a new contract and maintenance agreement with a provider.
  • State Route 140 to Waleska Expansion
    A request for qualifications for engineering design between Marietta Highway and Mary Lane on SR-140 received submission packages last month. The City is reviewing and creating a shortlist of potential firms. A contract is expected to appear before the council for approval in October.
  • Archer Street Parking Deck
    Construction documents were released for bid proposals on July 1, and bid closing is August 3 with a recommendation for council approval in September. Construction should begin in late October.

For more information on project updates, visit