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Canton Local Interests




City of Canton Special Project Updates

Laurel Canyon and Amos Road Booster Pump Stations
Identified as part of the City’s water master plan, these projects will enhance water distribution services in the northern part of Canton. This is Canton’s greatest range of topographies, and the booster pumps assist in making sure there are not low-pressure areas. These projects are on schedule. The new pump station building for Laurel Canyon recently arrived and was placed on site. Part of the Amos Road project included the installation of two new valves.

Harmon Park Improvements
This project includes upgrading facilities at Canton’s oldest recreational fields including a rebuild of bleachers, roof and siding replacements, new picnic tables, playground improvements, and new efficient fixtures in the restrooms. This project will be completed this summer.

Etowah River Trail Westward
The connecting trail project between Heritage Park and Boling Park continues. This project includes an upgrade to the sewer line in this stretch. As the sewer line is installed, a new trail will be built within this easement area. The line installation is completed at Heritage Park. Trail repairs in that area of Heritage that were disrupted are being made, and sod will be installed. The pad for the outdoor plyometric gym will be poured, so that this new amenity can be installed.

Water Pollution Control Plant
Work continues on the upgrade to the Water Pollution Control Plant (sewer) near the entrance of Boling Park. Concrete pours for new basins are occurring. This project is a $65 million investment, taking the City from a treatment capacity of 4-million gallons per day to 6-million gallons per day.