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Canton Local Interests




City of Canton News

Funding for New Pedestrian Bridge
Mayor Bill Grant recently accepted a check from the Appalachian Regional Commission for $607,148 that was awarded to the City of Canton to construct a pedestrian access bridge over the Etowah River, bisecting the city.
Manufacturing Facility Coming to Canton
Becker Robotic Equipment, a global cable and robotic machinery manufacturer specializing in individualized robotic equipment, is set to build a new manufacturing facility to house its North American headquarters in the city of Canton. The new facility will deliver more than $30 million in investment and create 137 new jobs in Cherokee County.
Public Art Master Plan Community Survey
The Canton Public Art Master Plan will help integrate and unite the city through defining and projecting values and unique qualities to the immediate region and beyond. 
The plan will create a roadmap for how the City of Canton begins to activate communities to implement and enjoy public art while also celebrating Canton’s spirit and artistic expressions. Anyone who lives, works, or invests in Canton is encouraged to be involved in shaping the Public Art Master Plan. Here’s how to share your vision for public art:
Take the Public Art Plan survey and share your vision for the future at
Email Kristin Norton Green, project team member and theatre events and facilities director, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  
Abeyance for Residential Public Hearing Applications
In November, the City of Canton entered into a 12-month period of abeyance for public hearing applications related to residential projects. 
The term “abeyance” refers to a suspension of a process. In this case, the City staff will not accept applications for public hearings that occur as a course of development of residential projects that include annexations, rezonings, conditional use permits, master plan amendments, or zoning condition amendments. The City accepts applications for the three-month public hearing process on the first business day of each month. Applications that had already been filed with the City prior to the abeyance will continue through the public hearing process.
“The City is quickly moving through items identified in our award-winning Roadmap for Success, and this period of pause will allow the council, staff, and residents the opportunity to review data points to determine our desired growth and development patterns in the coming years,” stated Mayor Bill Grant. “Working in step through this process of transparent discussion about development, land use, and infrastructure is exactly what we agreed to do in the second phase of projects and programs in our Roadmap.”