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City of Canton News

- Mayor Bill Grant’s State of the City Address
On the evening of Feb. 3, Mayor Bill Grant presented his State of the City Address to a large crowd in City Hall and to viewers via livestream. His address recognized the challenges we’ve faced as individuals and as a city, but highlighted all that we have accomplished working together and what we have to look forward to in 2022.

“I am proud to report that the challenges of the last 24 months have not slowed down our city’s progress or our goal of becoming the Coolest Small Town in America. With a strategic roadmap in place at the beginning of 2021, our dedicated Council and staff diligently planned our work and worked our plan. We have delivered on old promises and created new aspirations to improve the quality of life for ALL Canton residents throughout our city.

“Tonight, the State of our City is more promising than ever, and with an ambitious roadmap in place and a City Council that is never content with resting on its laurels, Canton is fulfilling its true potential.

“For me, 2021 was by far the most productive year that I have witnessed in my 8 years of public service. If we reviewed everything we accomplished in our roadmap,
we would be here until midnight. As I began to put this list of a few of the more notable 2021 accomplishments together, I realized we need to do a better job of sharing our victories with our residents. I hope you will agree 2021 was successful in moving Canton forward as a great place to live, work, play, and serve.”

- City Honored With a Visionary Award
During the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) 2022 Cities United Summit, the City of Canton received a Visionary City Award for the it’s Roadmap for Success initiative. Awarded to nine cities each year — three from each population size group: under 4,999, 5,000-24,999, and over 25,000, the Visionary City Award honors cities that have created positive community change through effective civic engagement and collaboration.

“The City of Canton is extremely honored to receive the Visionary City Award from the Georgia Municipal Association and Georgia Trend magazine,” said Mayor Bill Grant. “This prestigious recognition for our City’s forward thinking, collaboration, and civic engagement is a true testament to the exemplary leadership our Council and management team have demonstrated with the creation and implementation of our Roadmap for Success.

“While this award is a high honor,” Grant continued, “it is even more gratifying to have other cities and leaders in Georgia contacting us to learn how Canton’s Roadmap and vision can help them move their own communities forward. This is truly leading with success, and we are humbled by this special recognition.”