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Canton Local Interests




City of Canton Comprehensive Citizen Survey Results

More than 1,250 respondents shared their thoughts on high-level topics such as the overall direction of the City of Canton, resident amenities, direction of growth, public safety, City staff performance, and communications. The information is being processed and the complete results will be communicated soon. Citizen engagement and feedback are critical components in improving the effectiveness of Canton’s Roadmap for Success, a 15-year plan that continues to evolve based on the priorities defined by Canton’s residents and businesses.

• Positive Progress
Based on the results, 74% of Canton citizens agree that the city is heading in the right direction — a continued sign of positive progress. Citizens also shared constructive feedback regarding some concerns and frustrations, most of which focused on growing pains such as traffic and overcrowding.

Most comments expressed a great deal of satisfaction with Canton’s small-town charm, recreational areas, community events, increased dining and restaurant options, and the extensive efforts to revitalize downtown Canton. When it comes to preserving the character of our city, residents support the continued protection and enhancement of the Etowah River, more outdoor gathering and dining spaces, improved downtown walkability, and additional sidewalks and trails throughout the city.

• Ongoing Initiatives
Areas of concern focused on traffic and transportation, housing and population density, and general issues about growth. The City of Canton has many ongoing initiatives to address residents’ primary concerns including its recently completed Citywide Master Transportation Plan, a new Downtown Master Plan, a Parks and Recreation Master Plan, recent updates to the Zoning Map and Unified Development Code, and the continued implementation of the goals and tactics in Canton’s roadmap.

• #TheCoolestSmallTownInAmerica
The majority of Canton citizens approve of and are enthusiastic about the direction the city is heading, as City staff and citizens work together to create the Coolest Small Town in America.

“While many factors prevent the significant restraint of the growth patterns in Cherokee County and the region in general, it is imperative to engage our residents and businesses in our ongoing efforts to improve the quality of life for all who enjoy living, playing, working, and serving in Canton,” said Canton’s Mayor Bill Grant.