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Canton Local Interests




City of Canton 2022 Project Goals

During a recent meeting, Mayor Bill Grant, Canton City Council, and department heads identified and reviewed more than 200 projects and initiatives they’d like to accomplish this year. Though other priorities may develop along the way, here are a few of the project goals:

- Completion of Canton’s primary River Walk trail connector from Heritage to Boling Parks by this summer, linking the city’s three major parks along one multiuse path.
Completion of a citywide Transportation Master Plan.
- Completion of the Archer Street Parking Deck in downtown Canton by May including a solar canopy to power 10 electric vehicle charging stations and provide significant energy credits for City Hall.
- Completion of Harmon Park improvements and expansion including a mini-pitch soccer field.
- About 50% completion of the new Wastewater Treatment Plant by the end of the year.
- Launch and begin initial funding for Phase One of the new Tax Allocation District, approved by City Council in 2021, to enhance redevelopment from Exit 16/Hickory Flat Highway through other areas in downtown Canton that need revitalization.

These are just a few of the larger projects to be addressed in 2022. Canton City Council and staff are aligning all resources and budget allocations with its new strategic plan, which will be executed according to the priorities identified when creating the City's Roadmap.