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Canton Local Interests




Cherokee Planning Department Earns Statewide Awards

The Georgia Chapter of the American Planning Association recognized Cherokee County and its cities with prestigious awards for efforts in cooperative planning. Over the last few years, Cherokee County has worked with each city’s leadership to resurrect and update long-expired growth boundary agreements. While a growth boundary agreement is not legally binding, it provides guidance for cities and the county on where the cities will grow as well as coordination on character areas and other planning efforts.

The GPA bestowed Cherokee County and its cities with the Distinguished Leadership and Service Contribution Award for Innovation in Planning. The award is given in recognition of a specific planning tool, practice, program, project, or process that is a significant advancement to specific elements of planning. The category emphasizes results and demonstrates how innovative and state-of-the-art planning methods and practices helped implement a plan.

The City of Waleska also was recognized with the GPA’s Outstanding Planning Document for Small Communities for its Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Small Communities designation is reserved for cities with fewer than 1,000 or counties with fewer than 10,000 residents. Cherokee County provides the City of Waleska with its planning documents and all development requests, requiring the planning and zoning process to go through the Cherokee County Municipal Planning Commission.