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Canton Local Interests




Cherokee County SPLOST Renewal

The decision to extend the one cent Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax will move to the voters in November. In July, the Board of Commissioners approved an intergovernmental agreement with all seven of Cherokee’s cities and a resolution to call for the November 8 referendum.

“The referendum on the ballot in November is a request to continue an existing one cent sales tax. With the approval, Cherokee will remain one of just four Georgia counties with a total 6% sales tax rate. All others have 7% or more,” said Commission Chairman. “Projects funded with SPLOST dollars are essential including local road improvements, public safety equipment, and facilities. Without SPLOST, those expenses would have to shift and be paid for using property tax revenues, which would equal about 5 mills to garner the same amount of revenue.”

The current SPLOST will not expire until June 2024, however, the Board of Commissioners opted to call for the referendum a year early to avoid a special election, which would be an additional cost.

The SPLOST renewal is expected to bring in a total of $438.2 million. The Courthouse Annex project will be allocated first as a Tier 1 project, estimated to cost about $74 million. The remaining $364.2 million will be divided among all jurisdictions based on 2022 population and a 5% growth in receipts. Cherokee County’s allotment would be $238.1 million, and the cities would divide $126.1 million for their projects.