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Cherokee County Fire and Emergency Services Becomes Class 2 Fire Department

Recently, Fire Chief Tim Prather presented the results of the Insurance Services Office (ISO) review of the Cherokee County Fire Department (CCFD). The CCFD review was conducted earlier this year. Effective December 1, 2018, the CCFDs new Public Protection Class will be Class-2/2Y. Prather emphasized that the credit for this success is to be given to his entire department. It took each and every one of us working together and doing our part to reach this accomplishment. This is huge and history-making for Cherokee County Fire, stated Prather.

The ISO schedules to review all fire departments every three years. In general, the ISO, has a classification system of Class-1 through Class-10. Class-10 is basically an area where fire suppression capabilities do not meet any kind of minimum requirement of ISO, where the Class-1 is the best rating that can be achieved. There are approximately 46,000 fire departments in the United States. Approximately 242 departments have achieved the Class-1 status, and just over 1,325 departments have obtained a Class-2. Cherokee County Fire now ranks in the top four percent of fire departments nationwide, said Prather.

Because of this change, Chief Prather recommends that property owners check with their insurance agent to determine if there will be any significant change with their insurance rates. Most insurance companies have their own specific process in determining rates.