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Canton Local Interests




CDTC Collects Items to Donate to the Holly Springs PD

Cherokee Day Training Center (CDTC) collected crackers, water, hand sanitizer, dog biscuits, thank you letters, bracelets and various other non-perishable items to donate to the Holly Springs Police Department in a gesture of gratitude for the service of local police and their canine officers. After the items were collected, they were brought in by a team of men and women with developmental disabilities as a community service effort. Officers were given to-go bags to keep with them in the field to snack on during a busy shift. The delivery team was met by several officers, including Chief Ken Ball, and was shown appreciation for their efforts. As a 501c3 organization, the CDTC also accepts donated funds to assist with these and other efforts at the Center. They may be reached at 770-345-5821 or at their facility on Univeter Road in Canton.