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Canton Resident Improves Heart Health in Womens Day Magazine Challenge


Nicole Wechter was one of 5 women chosen last June by Womens Day magazine to participate in their Live Longer and Stronger Challenge. With the guidance from Joy Bauer (from the Today Show) and the Womens Day team, she worked to improve her overall heart health. Nicole is featured in the March issue of Womens Day magazine, and was also featured on a segment of the Today Show. In addition, she got to be one of the honored guests at the Womens Day final reveal at the Red Dress Awards in NYC.

Nicole lost 76 lbs., cut her cholesterol medicine in half and completely eliminated her blood pressure issues. With a strong history of breast cancer on both sides of her family, she got tested for the BRCA mutation and tested positive. She then had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed and will have a double mastectomy this year, so she will no longer be at risk for breast/ovarian cancer.