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2021 Partners of the Year, Volunteers of the Year Named

CCSD recently honored a Partner of the Year and a Volunteer of the Year for each individual school and center. The overall Partner of the Year and Volunteer of the Year were selected from that pool of 79 honorees.

The Laurel Canyon Optimist Club, the CCSD Preschool Centers’ Partner of the Year, was named the 2022 Partner of the Year, and Peter Gleichman, the Hasty Elementary School Fine Arts Academy Volunteer of the Year, was named the 2022 Volunteer of the Year.

“We need you. We respect you. We’re so glad you’re with us,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said, as he congratulated the auditorium filled with outstanding volunteers and partner businesses and organizations. “The time, talent, and treasure you share are valuable beyond measure. We appreciate you and thank you.”