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Canton Local Interests




Northside Hospital-Cherokee Donates Audiometeres to CCSD

Northside Hospital-Cherokee recently gave Cherokee County School District (CCSD) a donation for the purchase of two new audiometers. The instruments are used to conduct annual student hearing assessments for students in first, third and sixth grades. Last year, approximately 7,800 students in Cherokee County were screened for possible hearing abnormalities. Hearing deficiencies were detected in more than 200 students, who were referred for follow-up services. "The new audiometers are an upgrade from what we have used in the past; they will provide dependable screening results and will guarantee access to high-quality equipment to perform the screenings on such a large number of students," said Gwen Chambers, one of CCSD's lead school nurses. "Having these audiometers is reassuring that we can continue screening students district wide." Northside Hospital-Cherokee is a Partner In Education with CCSD. "Northside Hospital-Cherokee is committed to the health and well-being of the students in our community," said Billy Hayes, CEO, Northside Hospital-Cherokee. "The earlier a potential hearing problem can be detected, the earlier that child can receive support."